Learn to Play

Learn to Play Therapy builds spontaneous pretend play skills, assisting children in their ability to play independently and with others. In Learn to Play the focus is predominantly on pretend play, which is the most complex form of play and how children develop language, social skills, emotional regulation.

Learn to Play can also be used to enhance other intervention services such as speech and OT or as an early intervention tool where there may be concerns around a child’s development. 

Areas of Focus:

              Building play skills and enjoyment

              Building social skills

              Reaching developmental milestones

              Building speech and Language Skills

              Building gross and fine motor skills

              Support with Regulation and increase focus.

Intervention is approximately 12 weeks long and consists of:

A parent intake

A child play assessment

Ten to Twelve 1:1 therapy sessions

Two parent sessions.

*Ongoing sessions can be organised if needed